
Be equiped to shine the light of Christ with your whole being - spirit, soul & body!

Governments Around the World Have no Evidence for the COVID Virus

Canadian biostatistician, Christine Massey, has accumulated Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests from over 200 health and governmental institutions in over 35 countries: not one has proof of any scientific papers, using legitimate methods, showing that SARS-CoV-2 exists. It has never been isolated/purified.

In other words, it has never been observed anywhere. There are no scientific record of its very existence. Yet, it is deemed a threat to our health and the cause of a worldwide deadly pandemic!

Voices of the Silenced || X-LGBT

Born gay? Wrong gender? Can sexual orientation change? What is the science? What about conversion therapy? Is there hope for those who struggle?

In the midst of a perverse generation, we need answers, and these questions and others are dealt with in this very interesting 2018 documentary; as well as powerful testimonies from ex-gays and transgenders.

Glyphosate: Why Your Food Makes You Sick

We are being poisoned (yet again)! Our food has been tampered with!

Here is an interview of Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT senior research scientist with amazing knowledge. She talks about her new book "Toxic Legacy" and explains the dangers of glyphosate to human health. There is mounting evidence that this chemical (active ingredient in RoundUp weed killer) is responsible for many chronic diseases, including IBS, liver disease, cancer, dementia, autism... as well as infertility and birth defects.

Fluoride - The Hard to Swallow Truth

Fluoride may not be your teeth's best friend after all!

This short 2011 documentary looks at the initial theories behind the effectiveness of fluoride and where it originated. It goes on to show the lack of science behind the use of fluoride and reveals fluoride as a toxic waste substance that is being pumped into our drinking water.

The documentary concludes by delivering the “hard to swallow truth” of fluoride which pertains to why it is actually used.

The AIDS Hoax and the Contagion Myth

Yes, you read that right! AIDS was a hoax. It is not what we have been told. HIV does not cause AIDS. They lied about that as well.

Here is an old interview of Dr. Terry C. Fry, by Dr. Henry L.N. Anderson. T.C. Fry was a man far ahead of his time, who had interesting opinions on viruses, vaccines, immunology, the germ theory, allergies, herpes etc..

The Church and Vaccine Mandates || John-William Noble

This is a highly recommended message.

What is the church of Jesus Christ called to be and to do in this crisis?
Do Christians have a moral obligation to be vaccinated?
Where should the line be drawn with state mandates?
Has the Church gone down the wrong path?

Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav || Never Again Is Now

This is a MUST WATCH! In a speech delivered Sunday 23rd January in Brussels (Belgium), Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav described the striking parallels between what she witnessed as a child in Nazi-controlled Romania, and COVID policies being enacted today by governments around the world.

COVID Vaccines - The Truth Is Out!

You will not hear this on the mainstream media, but here is the real reason why restrictions are being suddenly removed in the United Kingdom: the truth is out!... and the Government is forced to back down (at least for now...)

Vaccine Deaths According to Lot Numbers

Not all COVID 'vaccines' are the same! This has nothing to do with manufacturers names. Statistics show that some vaccine batches are more toxic than others. They are associated with most of the deaths. It seems all manufacturers are involved and have been working together in a coordinated manner.

Wake With Me || Pastor Stephen Buckley

This is a critical time but the Church is fast asleep. When will she awake? Christians MUST hear this message!

Hear a biblical response amid the acceleration of evil: deception, corruption, tyranny, censorship, segregation, promotion of evil and deafening silence of the Church... Let us open our eyes. We need to be the salt of the earth in these evil days. Are you awake yet?

What Really Is in the 'Vaccines'?

The crime against humanity has been unveiled. This extremely informative video will blow your mind!

Ricardo Delgado Martin (Spanish biostatistician from La Quinta Columna) explains the nanotechnology that has been found in the so-called 'vaccines' through scientific analysis, and what this nanotechnology (including graphene oxide) does to the body.

COVID Vaccine & Aborted Fetal Cells

Melissa Strickler, a Christian whistleblower who worked at Pfizer for almost 10 years, recently went public with insider emails showing Pfizer executives wanted to hide the vaccine's connection to aborted-fetal cells.

‘we want to avoid having the information on the fetal cells floating out there’