
Be equipped to shine the light of Christ with your whole being - spirit, soul & body!

Do you Know your GMOs?

Once upon a time God created the world, a beautiful world... He made the seasons and provided us with the endless cycle of seedtime and harvest time. Like God said at the time of creation: it was good. This system of sowing seeds and reaping harvests was working well, allowing humans to grow various crops that were beneficial to their health and in harmony with their environment. And it went on for thousands of years, until one day... man invented genetic engineering!...

The Purpose of Marriage

There is a very low vision of marriage and family in society. People's attitudes towards marriage have changed and it has become very self-focused, centred around pleasure, success, gathering of material wealth... People are in it for what they can get out of it.

The idea of covenant, commitment or sacrifice has been lost. We live in a selfish, self-centred world that lives to be entertained. What we need is the vision of marriage from God's Word. God has a great vision for it. He sees something awesome and of great value in it...

The "Magic" of Witchcraft

Does that sound like a pagan title? It probably does. Unfortunately these days it has become far too easy for children to be introduced to the world of witchcraft. They get access to various forms of the occult - including witchcraft - through the many media in their environment (TV, internet, consoles, music...). Today, we do not have to look for the occult, it is right in front of our eyes (and our children's eyes), whether we like it or not.

The Power of God

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
(Romans 1:16)

These days, there are so many things that are preached in churches; but we hear less and less preaching of the Gospel. People do not want to listen to the Gospel any more. They think it is "deja-vu", boring, irrelevant...

The Herb that Can Stop a Heart Attack

Yes, you read this title well! The herb that I would like to talk about today has been shown to be able to literally stop heart attacks within 30 seconds when ingested!

This amazing herb also has numerous other health benefits, from toothache remedy, digestive aid to possibly killing cancer cells... And as it is a herb, it is also perfectly natural and has no dangerous side effect - contrary to modern medicines/drugs. Have you guessed it yet?

Are You Building Up Your Spouse?

The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17a, that "iron sharpens iron". And in Romans 14:19, "Therefore let us pursue the things which produce peace and the things that build up* one another." (* or edify) This is true of all our relationships as brothers and sisters in Christ, but even much more so as married couples. We are called to seek to build up - or edify - each other.

TV or not TV?

Today, the television has become a normal daily part of most families' lives, especially in the west. Most people have at least one TV sitting proudly in their living room, while many others have TVs in bedrooms, kitchens and other rooms... When not in school, children can sit in front of the telly for hours on end, spoilt for choice with the huge variety of programs offered to them. For many of them, switching the TV on has become automatic as soon as they get up or when they come back from school each day.

Is There a Cure for Cancer?

To the question "Is there a cure for cancer?", the answer according to most people would be something like "Not yet, but research is getting closer to finding a cure every day" or "We hope to finally have a cure available to end cancer within the next five, ten or maybe twenty years..."

This is also what I used to believe... Until very recently. I found out that there isn't one cure out there for cancer, but in fact there are many cures already available today.

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Some say Jesus was a good man or a prophet. Others say He was a lunatic or even a fictional character who never existed. Others still say He was and still is the Son of God.

There is overwhelming evidence for the fact that Jesus of Nazareth really existed (read this), but did He claim He was the Son of God? Did He say He was God?

You Are not Sick You're Thirsty!

For many, water is just a boring, tasteless drink that they would rather exchange for the more sweet and sophisticated drinks out there. But, on average, the human body is made up of about 60% water - and over 70% for the brain and heart. This makes water by far the most abundant element of the body.

If water makes up so much of the body, could it be that drinking it is actually good for us? Could a lack of it cause problems?

Stay Away From Deception!

According to the dictionary, deception is the art of making someone believe something that is not true. So, when you are deceived, you believe a lie.

The thing about deception is that when you are deceived, you don’t know you are being deceived. Deceived people think they are believing the truth, but in fact they have been sold a lie. You see, deception always has an element of truth in it. If it was a total lie, no one would believe it. So it is usually truth mixed with error. And deception looks good and attractive. It appeals to the senses. It is what people want to hear. It tickles their ears.

Getting Wisdom... Where to Start?

OK, the Bible tells me that I need wisdom... and I understand I do. But where do I go and what should I do to obtain this wisdom? Where do I start from? What am I supposed to do first?

The Bible tells us clearly in Proverbs 9:10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."