Be equiped to shine the light of Christ with your whole being - spirit, soul & body!

Is Christmas PAGAN or HOLY?
Everyone - including Christians - is free to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas of course. But, wouldn't it be good to have the correct information before making that choice?

This is a must watch. Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer, addresses the Impfopfer Victim Summit in Vienna Austria (November 2024).
He makes the bold claim that, according to his research, the COVID "vaccine" was deliberately designed to injure, kill and reduce fertility. This was a pre-meditated, coordinated and calculated attack on humanity. And of course, he explains how he arrived at that very sad conclusion.

Yes, you read this title right! Pandemics - including COVID-19 - are a scientific impossibility. Time to finally hear the actual facts about COVID and the jabs from a renown scientist!
Dr Mike Yeadon (ex Pfizer pharmaceutical research executive) takes part in a Q & A following his pre-prepared video for the Impfopfer Victim Summit in Vienna.

If you still believe there ever was a pandemic and that the jabs are safe and effective, think again! And please watch the undeniable evidence given in this tragic presentation...
Fiona Rose Diamond of 'Covileaks' and 'Truth Be Told' speaks at the Impfopfer victim summit in Vienna.

Shocking! 50 years ago this pastor had a vision of the future & this is what he saw...
In this powerful prophetic vision from April 1973, David Wilkerson saw economic confusion, persecution, rebellious youth, natural disasters and more coming upon the earth as the birth pains leading to the birth of God's kingdom.

This is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children.
Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.

Do you read the Bible?
If yes, pause for a minute and think before you answer this: why do you read the Bible? Is it to tick a box on your daily to-do list, to ease your conscience, to accumulate knowledge, to prepare sermons, to find out how to be successful and blessed by God...? What is your reason?
You may be familiar with this popular little song that is usually taught in Sunday schools, "Read your Bible, pray everyday". And it goes on to say "if you want to grow".
Well, this is true. But it is only partly true. Reading the Bible is good, but if it was enough, every Christian who reads the Bible would be a spiritual giant - which we know is not the case.

Dr. Jane Ruby welcomes one of the original frontline doctors, Navy veteran, past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Lee Merrit.
In this section of the interview, Dr. Merritt opines on what is and what isn't really in the COVID shot vials. She explains why mRNA cannot possibly be in there. However, the shot is unarguably a bioweapon.

Brilliant comprehensive message preached by Luke Barker at the Northern Ireland State of the Nation Fundamentalist Conference (Autumn 2022), titled "Acceptance and Promotion of the Official Narrative by the Majority of the Professing Church - Why?"
How can the vast majority of professing Christians remain so silent on this issue? Why did they comply and even promote abusive mandates that go against God's Word? What happened to the church's discernment?

Is saturated fat our enemy? Does high cholesterol cause heart disease? Are statins safe and are they helpful?
There is so much confusion around these questions, and so many myths not backed up by real science. So, find out the answers to these and more in this Catalyst documentary with Dr Maryanne Demasi about saturated fat, cholesterol, statins and heart disease.

Hear the stories of people who do not exist - the vaccine-injured! These are stories of pain and tragedy you will never see in the mainstream media. But watch to the end for a glimpse of hope for the vaxxed...
Some who took the COVID vaccine with the noblest of intentions experienced unexpected debilitating after-effects. Instead of compassion, they were met with skepticism; instead of being helped they were shunned; instead of being heard, they were silenced. Join us as we bring their stories out of the shadows so they can be heard and seen and no longer alone.

Our kids are in grave danger with the insane push of the LGBTQ+/transgender ideology. The danger is spiritual, mental, and eventually even physical.
Let us fight for them! No heads in the sand any more! It is high time we opened our eyes to what has been creeping in for years now and resist this evil plan to destroy the next generation. May the Lord strengthen us because giving in is not an option!