They Lied and People Died || COVID Vax Injuries

If you still believe there ever was a pandemic and that the jabs are safe and effective, think again! And please watch the undeniable evidence given in this tragic presentation...

Fiona Rose Diamond of 'Covileaks' and 'Truth Be Told' speaks at the Impfopfer victim summit in Vienna.

Shot Dead || the Vax Killed their Children

This is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children.

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.

No mRNA in COVID Jabs? - Dr Lee Merritt

Dr. Jane Ruby welcomes one of the original frontline doctors, Navy veteran, past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Lee Merrit.

In this section of the interview, Dr. Merritt opines on what is and what isn't really in the COVID shot vials. She explains why mRNA cannot possibly be in there. However, the shot is unarguably a bioweapon.

The Unseen Crisis || COVID Vaccine Stories

Hear the stories of people who do not exist - the vaccine-injured! These are stories of pain and tragedy you will never see in the mainstream media. But watch to the end for a glimpse of hope for the vaxxed...

Some who took the COVID vaccine with the noblest of intentions experienced unexpected debilitating after-effects. Instead of compassion, they were met with skepticism; instead of being helped they were shunned; instead of being heard, they were silenced. Join us as we bring their stories out of the shadows so they can be heard and seen and no longer alone.

UK Doctors Call for COVID Vaccine Investigation

2 years on... Is the experimental injection still "safe and effective"?

Many doctors, in the UK and internationally, have become increasingly concerned about the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines and the continued rollout of these products to the public, including pregnant women and children. Several doctors in DFPUK have submitted multiple Yellow Card reports of adverse events to the MHRA, and have signed letters to the JCVI, MHRA, the RCOG, the Prime Minister and others to express their concerns, but have seen little or no response or action taken.

Died Suddenly

Athletes, teenagers, young adults in their prime... Sudden deaths have become a common occurence these days. Health professionals are at a total loss as to what could be causing them and are calling them "SADS" or "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". Of course, the jab could in no way be responsible as we all know that it is completely safe and effective.

For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving this into stone. And yet… we never seemed to believe them. DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer, gives us a picture of the horror that is happening right now in front of our eyes, for those who are willing to see...

Governments Around the World Have no Evidence for the COVID Virus

Canadian biostatistician, Christine Massey, has accumulated Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests from over 200 health and governmental institutions in over 35 countries: not one has proof of any scientific papers, using legitimate methods, showing that SARS-CoV-2 exists. It has never been isolated/purified.

In other words, it has never been observed anywhere. There are no scientific record of its very existence. Yet, it is deemed a threat to our health and the cause of a worldwide deadly pandemic!

Glyphosate: Why Your Food Makes You Sick

We are being poisoned (yet again)! Our food has been tampered with!

Here is an interview of Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT senior research scientist with amazing knowledge. She talks about her new book "Toxic Legacy" and explains the dangers of glyphosate to human health. There is mounting evidence that this chemical (active ingredient in RoundUp weed killer) is responsible for many chronic diseases, including IBS, liver disease, cancer, dementia, autism... as well as infertility and birth defects.

Fluoride - The Hard to Swallow Truth

Fluoride may not be your teeth's best friend after all!

This short 2011 documentary looks at the initial theories behind the effectiveness of fluoride and where it originated. It goes on to show the lack of science behind the use of fluoride and reveals fluoride as a toxic waste substance that is being pumped into our drinking water.

The documentary concludes by delivering the “hard to swallow truth” of fluoride which pertains to why it is actually used.