Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
(1 Corinthians 6:19)

In this day and age, our health is not something we can take for granted.  Living in health is something that has to be actively pursued as the typical western lifestyle does not promote good health.

God has given us the ability and the responsibility to look after His Temple, which is our body.  He has provided us with everything we need to live a healthy life.  Outlined in the Bible are easy principles we can follow that are beneficial to our health.

We may desire to serve the Lord and respond to His calling for our lives, but if our bodies are not fit enough, if we lack energy and if we constantly get sick, it will be harder for us to be efficient in our service.  He wants to satisfy us with a long and fulfilled life, but we do have a part to play in this.  When we sow towards our health, we will definitely reap a healthy harvest.

Glyphosate: Why Your Food Makes You Sick

We are being poisoned (yet again)! Our food has been tampered with!

Here is an interview of Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT senior research scientist with amazing knowledge. She talks about her new book "Toxic Legacy" and explains the dangers of glyphosate to human health. There is mounting evidence that this chemical (active ingredient in RoundUp weed killer) is responsible for many chronic diseases, including IBS, liver disease, cancer, dementia, autism... as well as infertility and birth defects.

Fluoride - The Hard to Swallow Truth

Fluoride may not be your teeth's best friend after all!

This short 2011 documentary looks at the initial theories behind the effectiveness of fluoride and where it originated. It goes on to show the lack of science behind the use of fluoride and reveals fluoride as a toxic waste substance that is being pumped into our drinking water.

The documentary concludes by delivering the “hard to swallow truth” of fluoride which pertains to why it is actually used.

Vaccine Deaths According to Lot Numbers

Not all COVID 'vaccines' are the same! This has nothing to do with manufacturers names. Statistics show that some vaccine batches are more toxic than others. They are associated with most of the deaths. It seems all manufacturers are involved and have been working together in a coordinated manner.

What Really Is in the 'Vaccines'?

The crime against humanity has been unveiled. This extremely informative video will blow your mind!

Ricardo Delgado Martin (Spanish biostatistician from La Quinta Columna) explains the nanotechnology that has been found in the so-called 'vaccines' through scientific analysis, and what this nanotechnology (including graphene oxide) does to the body.

What Deficiency Causes Loss of Taste and Smell?

Most 'COVID' patients (about 60%) lose or experience changes in their sense of smell and taste. This has been quickly attributed to a virus.

Karen Selick, a retired lawyer, writer and nutritionist explains that studies show that there is a well-known mineral deficiency that is associated with these very symptoms. Why don't we hear more about it? Wouldn't it make sense to supplement with it?

Natural Vaccine Detox

Josep Pàmies shares his knowledge on medicinal plants to detoxify from toxic elements that have been found in vaccines.

Josep Pámies Breu is a Spanish organic farmer who has been involved in the trade union and cooperative world since his youth. Over the years he has seen firsthand the damage that conventional agriculture is causing to people's health and the environment, and this has made him aware of the hidden interests that are out of sight of citizens. That is why, disenchanted with the industrial food that he also produced for a few years, he now devotes his energies to promoting a natural lifestyle and encourages everyone to be part of the change that humanity needs.

The Testimonies Project || from Israel

As you may be aware, Israel was one of the first countries to begin inoculation of its population with the COVID shots; and there has been enormous pressure put on people to take the 'vaccine' (including many threats to lose their jobs or not being able to take part in society). While people are still encouraged (or rather coerced) to receive their shots, sadly the Israeli media have not given a voice to the countless men and women whose life and health have been greatly affected by them.

Heart problems, neurological issues, vaginal bleeding, blood clots, inflammations, skin problems, various diseases and even death... these are some of the COVID-19 'vaccine' reactions that have happened to these people who thought they were doing the right thing.

COVID Vaccine || Is History Repeating Itself?

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Hear from the deceivers and the deceived alike, back just a few years ago, in 1976, during the big Swine flu scare. Details have changed, but the story on the whole sadly stays the same...

Another "vaccine" coming from the same corrupt people who did not know, did not hear and did not see...

The COVID Vaccine's Undisclosed Ingredients

It's even worse than we thought! Things are getting more unbelievable by the day...

Dr Jane Ruby reveals findings from expert microbiologist Dr Robert Young. His analysis of the 4 vaccine vials (Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson) with electron microscopy confirms what La Quinta Columna researchers found: the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticules. But it doesn't end there: Dr Young also found other toxic nanometallic content with cytotoxic and genotoxic effects (such as aluminium and stainless steel), as well as an identified parasite.

This is indeed poison.