Essiac - A Natural Cancer Cure

This is a series of testimonials of people who have been helped by drinking Essiac tea.

Essiac is "Caisse" spelt backwards. Rene Caisse was a Canadian nurse who received the Essiac formula from the Ojibwa Indians (through one of her patients) and has seen many people cured of cancer, even in late stages.

Video link and alternative link or YouTube link

The original Essiac tea is made up of 4 herbs: burdock root, sheep sorrel (including root), slippery elm bark and Turkish (or Indian) rhubarb root.

Enhanced formulas also include: blessed thistle, kelp, red clover and watercress (eg. Flor-Essence). Some may have clove as well (eg. UL DE tea).

There may be other enhanced formulas, but it is important that the 4 original herbs be included and that there be at least 5% of sheep sorrel ROOT in the mix.

These various Essiac (or Essiac-derived) teas are on sale on the internet. They are sold as dry herbs (to be boiled and steeped at home) or ready-made teas. Capsules and tinctures are also available (less recommended).

Essiac can be taken in conjonction with other cancer treatments (except for Protocel).

* Books to read:
"The Essiac Report" by Richard Thomas
"The Essiac Essentials Handbook" by Mali Klein
"The Truth About Cancer" by Ty Bollinger

* Free Ebook:
"The Essiac Handbook" by James Percival

* Scientific Study:
"Essiac tea: scavenging of reactive oxygen species and effects on DNA damage"

* Shop for Essiac tea:
Original Essiac - (UK)
Flor-Essence - (UK)
UL DE Tea - (USA)
Essiac (or Caisse) teas may also be found on Ebay or Amazon.

See Also

Is There a Cure for Cancer?

Please note, this is not medical advice.

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