Compliant Church & Virtual Christians || James Coates

A very timely message.

Pastor James Coates (in Alberta, Canada) was jailed for 5 weeks in February 2021 for keeping his church open. He was then released and the police set up 3 fences around his church building! But thank God, Grace Life Church still gathers in undisclosed locations each Sunday!

Here he explains that government lockdowns have led to the appearing of a new phenomenon in churches around the world: virtual 'gatherings'. But are these biblical? Can the Government dictate to the Church how it must worship or is this in opposition to the principles of Christ, the Head of the Church?

Video link and alternative link

See Also:

The Corporate Gathering is Essential - another excellent sermon by James Coates (or here)

Source: Grace Life Church, Edmonton, Canada -

Original video title: "The Time Has Come" (dated 20th December 2020)

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