
Be equiped to shine the light of Christ with your whole being - spirit, soul & body!

Is There a Cure for Cancer?

To the question "Is there a cure for cancer?", the answer according to most people would be something like "Not yet, but research is getting closer to finding a cure every day" or "We hope to finally have a cure available to end cancer within the next five, ten or maybe twenty years..."

This is also what I used to believe... Until very recently. I found out that there isn't one cure out there for cancer, but in fact there are many cures already available today.

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Some say Jesus was a good man or a prophet. Others say He was a lunatic or even a fictional character who never existed. Others still say He was and still is the Son of God.

There is overwhelming evidence for the fact that Jesus of Nazareth really existed (read this), but did He claim He was the Son of God? Did He say He was God?

You Are not Sick You're Thirsty!

For many, water is just a boring, tasteless drink that they would rather exchange for the more sweet and sophisticated drinks out there. But, on average, the human body is made up of about 60% water - and over 70% for the brain and heart. This makes water by far the most abundant element of the body.

If water makes up so much of the body, could it be that drinking it is actually good for us? Could a lack of it cause problems?

Stay Away From Deception!

According to the dictionary, deception is the art of making someone believe something that is not true. So, when you are deceived, you believe a lie.

The thing about deception is that when you are deceived, you don’t know you are being deceived. Deceived people think they are believing the truth, but in fact they have been sold a lie. You see, deception always has an element of truth in it. If it was a total lie, no one would believe it. So it is usually truth mixed with error. And deception looks good and attractive. It appeals to the senses. It is what people want to hear. It tickles their ears.

Getting Wisdom... Where to Start?

OK, the Bible tells me that I need wisdom... and I understand I do. But where do I go and what should I do to obtain this wisdom? Where do I start from? What am I supposed to do first?

The Bible tells us clearly in Proverbs 9:10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."